
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Weleda Mighty Essentials Kit

I’ve been a big fan of Weleda Skin Food for a long time, and have always wanted to try more of their products, I just didn’t know where to start! Thankfully I got this complimentary Mighty Essentials Kit sent to me to try out – well – the essentials! Read on for my first impressions…

January & February Favourites 2017

Here are some products and items that stood out to me the past couple of months. Most of them I have used consistently since purchase, so it is only appropriate that I dedicate a blog post to them! Skincare Acure Aromatherapeutic Moroccan Argan Oil (Rose)* I have an unhealthy obsession with this! It smells so. Damn.…

EMPTIES #4 | Skincare, Makeup and Body

Another year, and another collection of empties! I’m in the process of decluttering my makeup collection, and I found it also an appropriate time to dig into my empties bag. I must get everything a beauty junkie possibly can out of the way! This empties post has quite a bit of random stuff, nonetheless hope you…

The Release | Sappho New Paradigm

Hey beauties, In November Sappho Cosmetics released their new line “Sappho New Paradigm” into the green beauty world.  The Detox Market on King St. was hosting their launch party in Toronto and I just had to check it out! Canadian makeup artist, JoAnn Fowler, founded the company in 2008. She developed Sappho Cosmetics to provide…

Minimal Makeup ft. RMS Beauty

Hey Beautypuffs With summer in full force, some of you might question the best way to do your makeup. It’s hot and can be humid at times. If you’re like me, your skin colour ranges a lot based on how much sun you may get on your days off. And a bonus to us acne-prone,…

REVIEW: Josh Rosebrook Deep Hydrating Serum

Hey everyone, At the beginning of the year I made a spendy purchase and bought the Josh Rosebrook Deep Hydrating Serum. Josh Rosebrook is well known for having products with pure, organic ingredients with zero toxicity results in his formulas. I was running out of my current facial oil, so I thought this would be an amazing…

First Impressions: Kaia Naturals Juicy Bamboo Natural Facial Cleansing Cloths

Hey beauties, So back on my Green Beauty Haul post, I mentioned the Kaia Naturals Juicy Bamboo Natural Facial Cleansing Cloths. I’ve seen pictures of these circulate around Instagram, as well as seeing them in one of the natural health food stores I frequently pop into. I purchased them for $13.49 CAD (before tax, $15.24…

Green Beauty Haul!

Hey beauties, For the past couple of weeks I made quite a few purchases, all within the realm of green beauty. In my personal experience, natural, good quality ingredients have almost always done wonders for my skin, and always contribute positively to my skin health. I’ve finished a few products (another Empties coming soon!), so…

I Created a Skincare Kit for a Friend of a Friend

Hey beauties, A month or so ago, a friend/colleague of mine messaged me to make one of her closest’s friend a skincare kit. She explained that her friend’s skin has become so inflamed, clogged, and agitated. This girl started wearing makeup, and not removing it properly, leading to more congested pores and breakouts. She receives…