a collage of michelle's face. Left to right: no makeup, just primer, with makeup.

Minimal Makeup Routine – NO Foundation and NO Concealer!

I have to say, I’m pretty proud of this updated minimal makeup routine. Compared to last year’s video, I cut my products down significantly and it takes me no more than 5 minutes to complete! I also find it a testament to how much more confident I feel about my skin (and face in general). It’s by no means perfect, but I have come to the point where I accept it for what it is without feeling the need to cover and change so much of it. I also like this super simple makeup routine during the colder months, where I feel like I need to reapply moisturizer (as well as SPF).

I’m Finally Sharing my Current Skincare Routines 2018

She has arrived! It’s taken me a while to do a post like this because frankly, I didn’t know how to approach my skin concerns. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I was super oily and acne prone for the first 24 years of my life! In recent years, my skin did a 180 and…

REVIEW: By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

I love me some chemical exfoliators: they make my skin smoother, keep any wrinkles and acne at bay, and when used in moderation, really amp up the quality of my skin. I guess I was too comfortable using chemical exfoliants in the form of toners and masks, for I was sent the   to try out…

Winter Foundation Routine/Review: Cover FX Total Cover Cream Foundation in G30

Hey beauties, Lately as my skin has become drier due to the cold season, it has also become a tad paler, and discolouration is becoming more prominent. Finding a foundation at the drugstore is particularly difficult, because most of the common brands have a pink undertone, and they break me out. Last year I saw…