
September 2018 Roundup

Favourites * – Klairs did a great job with this sunscreen; It is comfortable to use on application and finish, doesn’t add a crazy glow, and is not sticky. My boyfriend, who has normal skin, was able to use this alone and he felt comfortably moisturized. Whereas for myself, it was okay at first on…

Skincare Series 1.2: Masks and Spot Treatments

Hey peoples, welcome to part 1.2 of my skincare routine! Here I’m going to list the products that have helped me tackle those pesky spots, as well as the masks I’ve been consistently using that have given me positive results, while keeping my skin plump and healthy. I know some products I mentioned are hard to…

Hong Kong Haul! (With a Little Bit of Seoul)

Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been consistent with my posts, but I was on a much needed vacation. My boyfriend and I spent around 10 days in beautiful, humid Hong Kong! I only brought a carry-on, but I was able to stow quite a bit of beauty products to pass the security line. My mother…