

What. A. Year! 2017 I’d say was the year of a lot of skincare discoveries. Not just my own curiosity and purchases, but some awesome opportunities to try products to review from PR samples. It also helped having a significant other use products as well so I can go through them faster! From the past…


Another year, another round up of beauty products I have loved for 2017! And by love I mean… When I think about these products, it gives me the glo on the inside. I’ve actually discovered so many products in 2017, the skincare round up is a different post all-together! I don’t think it’s possible for…

[MAKEUP TUTORIAL] Fresh + Kissable Daytime Valentine’s Day Look

[youtube] I figured a lot of people who go out for Valentine’s Day do something in the day time (like skating, coffee, exploring different parts of the city) so I wanted to film a look that perfects your skin and is fun and not too overbearing in the eye shadow department! And most importantly,…

First Impressions | Etude House 0.2mm Therapy Air Masks (Lotus, Hyaluronic Acid & Snail)

In my previous post Winter Skincare Routine for Dry and Acne Prone Skin I mentioned that sheet masks were Asia’s gift to us. I still and have always held by this statement since I tried sheet masks way back when I first started getting into Korean skincare. If you don’t know, sheet masks are, well, sheets, on…

1st Etude House Haul

Etude House is probably one of my favourite K-Beauty brands. Every time I see the store, I absolutely must buy at least 5 things. I started my South Korean adventures in Busan, and I absolutely had to stop in the first store I came across. This was my first visit to Etude House, and below…

SPRING MAKEUP LOOK: Light, Bright and Colourful

Hey beautiful people, Although it has been on and off sunny here in Toronto, the weather has still been quite depressing. We got a huge snowfall last week for crying out loud! Having said that, I thought I’d make a bright and fun look to counter-act the gloomy, cool weather we’re experiencing in Spring. The Stila…

March Favourites 2016: Mostly Beauty, a Tad of Fashion

Hey beauties, Here is a round-up of beauty items and fashion pieces I’ve been liking a lot for the month of March. Some I purchased this month, others I have had for a while now, but have been using them a lot recently. Hope you enjoy the read!

My Fall Favourites: Beauty

Autumn is my favourite season when it comes to makeup and fashion. It’s the season when my leather jacket is most loved, and bronzer with berry and wine colours is a must to complete a makeup look! Below I listed a few of my favourite beauty products when fall is in the air!

Hong Kong Haul! (With a Little Bit of Seoul)

Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been consistent with my posts, but I was on a much needed vacation. My boyfriend and I spent around 10 days in beautiful, humid Hong Kong! I only brought a carry-on, but I was able to stow quite a bit of beauty products to pass the security line. My mother…